Thank You! Thank you ever so much! The gift you sent is such a tremendous help and it came at a just perfect time helping me to take care of numerous important items for our upcoming chasunah, that of my son _________ שיחי׳. It came in the form of great relief from a feeling of being somewhat overwhelmed. It brings to my mind something the Lubavitcher Rebbe told parents approaching the weddings of their children, that even “the hachonos for the chasunah should be besimcha.” Yes, you have made a difference and I am grateful to you. I have come to realize that “you” encompasses individuals with busy lives who work tirelessly, voluntarily, to make a difference in the lives of people you may never meet, another Jew, somewhere out there.

Even if I don’t successfully express how what you do means for me and of course others, without a doubt, the Aibishter knows and takes note and surely blesses you and yours abundantly for your extraordinary kindness. I only became aware of Avigdor’s Helping Hand recently. I sent in an application, received word of your forthcoming gift and at the same time was lauded, extolled, thanked because somehow I was the one helping you. What?!! But that is exactly what happened. So how could I really describe what you have done for me…

May ה׳ bless you with continued great success in your personal lives and in the extraordinary work you do quietly, humbly and compassionately.

My heartfelt thanks to you,
_________ _________

To Mr. Glaser and the AHH organization, I have no words to describe my sincere thanks and appreciation for your help in my simchah. I was able to clear some outstanding balances. May Hashem bentch you and yours with all the brochos, gezunt, parnassa berevach and beautiful nachas and simchas freilicherheit ad b’li dai l’dorei doros ad bias hagoil umein. With warmest wishes,
Mrs. __________