Sholom Uvrocha
Dear Volunteers of AHH
Tizkeh L’mitzvos on the major assistance that you were zocheh to give to our __________.
The chasuna was last week-my husband flew in to the states, and said it was a true simcha.
May הקב”ה pay you back with much nachas from yours & the entire AHH team, and koach to enjoy and be a חלק of the nachas.
With much admiration,_____________ ________________
Dear Members of the Board,
I am writing to thank you for assisting in making the beautiful Simcha for my client LK. LK has done the best she can since the death of her children’s father more than 15 years ago. She is living modestly & to the best of her ability & the financial assistance you provided for the recent simcha served as a critical lifeline in her ability to avoid incurring new debt while making a proper Kovodig Simcha to start her Chosson & Kallah off on the right foot.
On a personal level, as a regular contributor to the AHH fund, It makes me feel good to know that my tzedakah dollars are being put to their best use – particularly knowing that you Tzedaka is run by volunteers on a ‘shoestring budget’ & that nearly 100% of my contribution is going directly to programming.
Tizku L’Mitzvot & thank you.