August 08 2010
Avigdors Helping Hand
With tears of joy and a heart overflowing with gratitude, I write these words.
For parents family and siblings, it is the greatest of joys to anticipate the Simcha of a wedding. But when alongside this blessing comes the sad reality of a missing parent, it is like a gaping hole no one can fill. And then there is the financial burden that may come along with this trauma. A life story of juggling enormous medical expenses that has left the family financially drained and depleted.
And in this bleak situation we set out to anticpate our upcoming Simcha. That is until we encountered the wondrous support of Avigdors Helping Hand.
You have come through in our darkest of moments to show us the light before the end of the tunnel. You have thus cared enough to truly make a difference, one that alleviated much of the untold pain. With devotion, and with a personal humane touch, you have been there for us in a way far beyond the call of simple financial assistance. This is kindness in the most pure and noble form.
May Hashem bless you with health, happiness, and a truly fulfilling life and may you merit to always be the benefactor contributing only on happy occasions.