Avigdor’s Helping Hand (AHH), a charitable organization that was formed six years ago by the family and friends of Avigdor Glaser, z”l, after his untimely petira at the age of 30, hosted its six annual Labor Day barbecue on Monday, September 5. The proceeds benefit families who have recently suffered the loss of a primary wage earner, and orphans who plan to get married but do not have the resources to make a wedding.

Unfortunately, we hear of many young people who pass away leaving their spouse and children to deal with the painful loss as well as a precarious financial situation. AHH was formed with one overall question in mind: “How can we ease the suffering of these families?”

It is with this goal that AHH has set off on a mission to provide immediate financial relief as well as non-financial support to families who have sustained the loss of their primary breadwinner. They have also embarked on a mission to make sure that young couples without parents will have a beautiful wedding day. Very often, this happiest of times can be marred by the lack of sufficient funds.

In the six year, AHH has donated over $ 2.2 Million to more than 86 families and helping 356 orphaned couples made a wedding and ZERO overhead.

All those who knew Avigdor Glaser, z”l, remember his embracing smile and caring wit, which were just a small part of the overall ben Torah that he personified. He was a devoted family man who was adored by his wife and three young children, and beloved by his parents and siblings. Blessed with the ability to excel at many endeavors, Avigdor, began to succeed in his limud haTorah during high school at the Yeshiva of Far Rockaway, continued to grow at Merkaz HaTorah in Yerushalayim, and then at Ohr HaChaim in Kew Gardens Hills. Bright, yet unassuming, Avigdor was a successful bankruptcy attorney at a Manhattan law firm. This meaningful charity that carries his name, memorializes Avigdor’s valuable life.

The community joined together to support the work of AHH this Labor Day at this gala barbecue, which was be held at 72 Murial Avenue, Lawrence, L.I. The benefit will feature the Aaron Teitelbaum Symphonic Ensemble featuring the New York Virtuoso Soloists conducted by Yisroel Lamm and was be catered by Michael Schick.

Source: thefivetowns.info