I want to personally thank you & your entire committee for your generous assistance in helping pay for my daughter ______’s wedding. Your understanding & caring is beyond words. May Hashem grant you & the Avigdor’s Helping Hand organization, much mazel & bracha & may we be zoche to share only simchas. Tizku l’mitzvos.

Chag Kasher Vesameach.

Mrs. ______ ______

May the Rebono Shell Olam bless you and your family with much Mazal, Nachas and Health.

Attached are pictures that I would like to share.

Chag Kosher V’sameach

Dear AHH,

My husband and I want to thank you for helping us with our wedding.

After our engagement, we had no idea where the money would come from. My father was completely unable to help. Since my mother passed away, he has been unstable. My future in-laws were recently divorced and out of work. I had just finished my bachelors and was in applications to graduate school. My husband was just leaving yeshiva to start college. There was nothing.

But, Avigdor, you came through for us as you had for my big brother a year before. My husband and I had a beautiful and simple wedding with most costs covered by you.

We are grateful beyond words. It is now almost two years later and we will still never forget your kindness. My sister was just engaged and my father is more unstable and in worse financial shape than by my wedding. The first place we thought to call was AHH. Before I even place the call, I know I will speak with amazing people who understand the gap and instability which can follow even years after the death of a parent. I only hope when my husband and I have completed school we will have the zichus to support your special organization.

Thank you!

_____ and ______ _______________