Good Morning Mr. Glaser;

Thank you so much for accepting my application. I have such hakoros hatov to you and your organization. I heard about AHH through the Bikur Cholim in Brooklyn and through a recipient of your kindness and generosity. This is such a beautiful mitzvah you are doing, enabling orphans go under the chupah with dignity and pride. I am sure you know by now what relief your organization brings, just by knowing that there is someone out there who is here to help in this happy but struggling time. May Hashem grant you the ability to continue doing this great chesed and putting simchah in so many hearts and in return you and all of yours should be blessed with health, happiness, wealth and never ending nachas!!!

Kol hakavod!!!

Dear Avigdor’s Helping Hand,

As I sit here filling out the “Wedding Assistance Application” I feel the tears beginning to well up in my eyes. I am transported back to 2 years ago when my father tragically passed away so suddenly. A brutal new reality was thrown upon me! With mountains of worries and the responsibility of trying to fill my father’s shoes – to say I was overwhelmed, would be an understatement.

I will never forget, how at this most trying time in my life, Avigdor’s Helping Hand literally saved the day! With love, respect, care and understanding, you went above and beyond to cover all of our basic living expenses. We couldn’t have done it without you!

Now that the task of preparing for a wedding, without my father, is upon me, I can’t begin to tell you how comforting it is to know that I can turn to Avigdor’s Helping Hand.

Thank you so so much for your time, your patience, your effort and for dedicating yourselves to all the Yesomim & Almanos out there.

I am so appreciative and will be forever grateful!

May Hashem shower you all with an abundance of brochos and only revealed good in your lives.

With much admiration,
C. ________ and Family