Letters of Appreciation – Adar II 5784

I would like to give a special thank you to all those involved in the incredible organization! As you can imagine, my husband and I are completely overwhelmed. Although there is a rayze.it campaign, the funds are being managed and we do not yet have access as they...

Letters of Appreciation – Adar I 5784

To the Avigdor family of volunteers, On behalf of my 2 daughters, __________ and __________, and my mother in-law __________ __________, (who is turning 88 and is a widow with dementia). I would like to express our Hakaras HaTov to the “Avigdor Helping hand...

Letters of Appreciation – Shevat 5784

Dear AHH Committee, I trust this message finds you all in good health. I hope this letter conveys the immense gratitude and appreciation I feel for your generous donation to my son’s wedding. Thank you for your selfless contribution of time, energy and funds to aid in...

Letters of Appreciation – Teves 5784

Sholom Uvrocha Dear Volunteers of AHH Tizkeh L’mitzvos on the major assistance that you were zocheh to give to our __________. The chasuna was last week-my husband flew in to the states, and said it was a true simcha. May הקב”ה pay you back with much...

Letters of Appreciation – Kislev 5784

Dear Avigdors Helping Hand – Please pass on this message to all those who are part of this Chessed organization . Thank you so much for sending such a generous check so promptly. Be”h with Hashem’s help everything will fall into place very soon and I should once...

Letters of Appreciation – Tishrei 5784

AHH – You are Tzaddikim! Lkavod The AHH Team I can’t even begin to thank you and tell you how much this money means to me. My darling ________ can now get a new suit lkavod YT, that he so wanted. You should be gbentched with every bracha, a year full of health...