Letters of Appreciation – Adar 5783

Dear Avigdor’s Helping Hand, I want to use this opportunity to let you realize how much I cherished all you provided for my family throughout this tragic event. We were left in a condition of despair and financial woes when my spouse __________ unexpectedly...

Letters of Appreciation – Shevat 5783

Eli, I received the check in the mail today, hp i was with my chosson when I checked the mail and right before I opened it we were talking about how we are going to afford rent and the wedding and then came home to a check. Hashem is amazing and he sent amazing...

Letters of Appreciation – Teves 5783

To AHH Family , I would like to take this opportunity to thank you. Your organization has a big Zehut! Our situation was a difficult one. It didn’t fit quite in the boxes of what we needed to apply. That didn’t stop your wonderful volunteers. They guided us in giving...

Letters of Appreciation – Kislev 5783

Dear Eli & The AHH Committee I praise you, with the words of King David, from PSALM 30: “You turned my mourning into dancing.” Avigdor’s Helping Hand; and Hatzolah Air; partnered, to bring ongoing joy to all the members of the ___________ and...

Letters of Appreciation – Cheshvan 5783

בעזר השית א יישר כח פאר אייך און פאר אלע מסייעים לדבר מצוה הקבה ישלם לכם כל מילי דמיטב — Dear ________ עמו״ש Hope all is well. I’m sharing with you now the information to please share it with the Avigdor Helping Hand organization. And if you would like to know...

Letters of Appreciation – Tishrei 5783

Dear Avigdors Helping Hand You guys sent a check for my father. First off, thank you! It is very helpful—may this beautiful mitzvah serve as a zchus for you and your entire AHH family for a gmar tov! _________________ Dear Avigdors Helping Hand: Thank you very much...