Dear Avigdor’s Helping Hand,
We simply have no words to express how much we appreciate your support to us during our hardest time.
When tragedy struck and our dear Tatty was taken from us, we were in shock, at a loss, with no where to turn.
Then a friend told us about Avigdor’s Helping Hand.
Your organization has simply been unreal. So menthchlich, prompt, generous, courteous and understanding!
Each time we received your contribution, it warmed our hearts. It reminded us that we were not alone.
In the zchus of all the endless gmilas chasadim you are doing for klal yisrael, may Hashem shower you with an abundance of brochos, revealed good and only happy times for you and yours.
With admiration, appreciation and blessings for a ksiva v’chasima Tova.
The T_____ Family
Once again, thank you so much for all you have done for us. We will be forever greatful.
Dear Mr. Glaser,
Firstly, I would like to thank you so much for your concern and help in making my son’s chasana possible, two weeks ago, with your organization’s kind gift. I will never be able to thank you enough for
the true simcha and nachas I felt that day. Again, I appreciate everything that you and your volunteer staff does.May HKB”H bentch all of you for all the chessed you do.
Chasiva v’hasema tova,
To the special volunteers at Avigdor’s Helping Hand:
I can only imagine how hard you work, but I wanted you to know how much your monies meant to me. My son got married a short time ago and it was such a joyous affair.
When he was 7 and his sister 5 years old, I was left alone to bring them up. In general, the help and support from my local community made a huge difference to the adult you see today. Although with Hashem’s help I always worked, it still was hard to meet all the expenses. Breaks on tuition, monies coming in to help send to summer camps, and some adult friendships, all helped to mold the person who married a very special, sweet, and frum Bas Yisroel.
Your support allowed me to hold my head up high and be a complete part of the Simcha. May all of you who give of your time and money, have much Nachas and Simchas in your own lives.
A grateful Parent
Dear Reb Eli and all at Avigdors Helping Hand:
Thank you so much for your very generous gift to help with the wedding expenses for …… About five and a half years ago a girl met with me in my office regarding a terrible situation she was experiencing and after a consultation with a professional / therapist it was clear that she had to find a new home for herself. My wife and I decided that our home was her home and baruch hashem she has been with us as part of our mishpacha since then, while maintaining a respectful relationship with her family. Unfortunatly last year Pesach her father passed away leaving the mishpacha with lots of debt but again with kochos from above she got back to her self, continued to try her best to function as a pre school teacher, and then, baruch hashem, came her moment she was waiting for 26 years she met a wonderful yeshiva boy and got engaged, but with this great simcha came the worry “mayayin yavo ezri” how are we going to pay for this happy moment and as the pasuk continues “ezri mayim hashem” you are hashems shluchim to help make this chasuna a reality, words can not describe how greatful we are for your true unconditional ahavas yisrael may hashem repay you with all bracha materially and spiritually vchol mi sheoskim btzarchei tzbur beemuna ……… and may your acts of chesed bring about to all of klal yisroel a ksiva vachasima tova a shnas geula
With respect and admiration,
Rabbi Shneur Z. Wolowik
Chabad of the 5 Towns