Dear honorable donors of Avigors Helping Hand
There’s so much schar & pros,
Hashem promised to those,
Who reach out to Yesomim woes.
Ashraichu, you were the one Hashem chose,
To be the recipient of all brochos that surely overflows.
___________ ____________
To the beloved org. YAD AVIGDOR
we want to thank you for your great contribution towards our chasuna of HAYOSEM _________.
it was delivered so respectful and was a great help. your generosity enhanced truly our simcha.
may hashem help you and all askonim involved should always remain on the giving end and merit all the broches to all givaldiga askonim from the AVI HAYSOMIM
Amazing. I’m like crying!! I have no words for AHH generosity: U all are sooooo special. May hashem bless u with all good!!
Motzei Shabbos 2-27-21Dear AHH,
I have received your generous check in today’s mail.
On behalf of the Chassan & Kallah, and their families, we are ever so filled with
hakaras hatov to the Ribone Hashalom and to your organization for this
matana.Special mention of thanks to Reb Shmuel Gunsburg, who worked tirelessly on
our behalf.Many many thanks to all.
Mazal tov, Simchas, good health and nachas to Gans Klal Yisroel !!
I am humbly yours,
___________ _____________
Baltimore, Maryland
We will ALL be mispallel for ___________ ___________ bas ___________ ___________
and ___________ bas ___________ ___________ , for a complete Refuah, b’soch
sha’ar cholei b’Yisroel.
To one of the most special organization and its helpers that I have had the zechus to get to know.
I am touched beyond words by AHH generosity. Nothing takes one moment to accomplish and the time and work that goes into helping people that u don’t know is tremendous. AHH has touched almonos and yesomim at a time when you were needed the most and had no one else to turn to. Paying their mortgages and being able to provide food for their families plus helping out with weddings has no words. May Hashem repay AHH and it’s staff with everyone being healthy happy and much nachas from their families. May Avigdors Neshoma have an Aliya. Again ty ty ty
To the amazing team at Avigdor’s Helping Hand,
You can imagine the excitement that comes along with a Mazel Tov.
A young woman finds her Bashert only one year after her father’s passing.
As family members, we were very happy but also worried about how to pay for a wedding that would bring the Kallah joy and not put too much financial stress on a recently widowed mother.
Avigdor’s Helping Hand was a Bracha. Every phone call with AHH was done with kindness and support. The funds went directly to paying for a beautiful and Bakovadika wedding. The Zechus of the Simchas Choson V’Kallah belongs to all of the volunteers and supporters of the AHH people. May Hashem give you all so much more strength to continue to bring joy to people who need an extra hug from Klal Yisroel to support them in place of a hug from the parent they love.
With much gratitude,
Sister-in-law of a supported Kallah.
Dear AHH :
I am overwhelmed. I literally almost fell off my chair.
I thank u with all my heartfor this absolutely generious, & very much appreciated check. That will definitely cover the Pesach for myself, & my family!!
Of course I will be missing one very important part of my life. MY dear, wonderful. Husband.
Aleve a shalom..
But I am sure he will be watching us, & he will be very proud if us, as we welcome in The Passover holidays.
I wish u & your family, a chag sameach ve kasher. May the spirit of this holiday bring u, & your family. Gazuent. Nachass, & Mazel. Amen!
I am sorry for not replying sooner. I didn’t see your email. But, I did call you right after I received that most generous gift.
Zie guzent. Be safe & well.Warmest gratitude ,
Eli sorry I didn’t have a camera when Mrs _________ opened up the envelope and found the check. She’s not a youngster and she
called me to come over. She was jumping up and down and saying thank you Hashem. She asked me if I knew about it. All in all AHH made an almonah thrilled that she’ll be able to enjoy her pessach.AHH,as always a BIG yasher koach.
Chag kosher vesomeach to you your family and the AHH team .