As a recipient of the chesed your great organization AHH does, I want to say thank you. These funds are so helpful for me I can’t even describe it. I am a ger and don’t have much, so it was a Bracha to find your organization. Bezh y’all continue to help klal Yisroel.Thanks
Reb Eli,
I write to you today, not as a committee member, but as a friend of an almon who benefited from your altruism.
It has been two and a half weeks and R’ __________ __________ is still flying on a cloud. There is literally a noticeable difference in his appearance. Avigdor’s Helping Hand helped him with his son’s wedding. The funds were used to help bring in his daughter and her family from Eretz Yisroel this way the entire family could celebrate together.
R’ __________ told me that without AHH help his simcha would not have been complete. He also told me multiple times how impressed he was at the care and compassion along with sensitivity that __________ __________, who did the DD, displayed.
May Hashem bentch you and the entire Avigdor’s Helping Hand organization with what He promises – Im atah misameach as shelee Ani misameach es shelchah.
With much administration,
__________ __________