To all the caring people at Avigdor’s Helping Hand:

No matter how or with which words I say “thank you,” it could not express the amount of gratitude I feel for my family to be the recipient of the tzedacha from Avigdor’s Helping Hand. This is one of the most poignant and meaningful acts of kindness that anyone has ever bestowed upon us.

I know that the kind people at AHH are all volunteers and it shows what even a small amount of dedicated time can do, not to mention the money given by the generous donors. You could all be spending your time doing something else! Your work is a wonderful thing–just to think of all the families whom you have helped! Amazing!

My son and I are truly grateful. This money enables us to help pay for some of our share of the wedding expense.

May Avigdor’s Helping Hand continue from strength to strength!