Dear Mr. Glaser,

My daughter got married last night:) It was a beautiful and special simcha, as you can imagine.

I wanted to say to you and all of the volunteers , once again, a major thank you for all of your help.

Thank you:) Thank you:)

Wishing you all a K’sivah V’chasima Tovah. A year that is filled with good health, parnassah tovah, nachas from all of your loved ones and shefa brachos. May you always surround yourselves with smachos.

With much appreciation,

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Dear Mr. Glaser,

Thank you SO much! I am so grateful to you and to your organization. May HaKodesh Boruch Hu bring you, the other volunteers, donors, and families only mazal and brocha ’till 120!

Kesiva Vachasima Tova!

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