Dear all the members of Avigdors Helping Hand
Thank you – it’s absolutely tremendous the chesed you do.
I didn’t say on the phone, but my husband is a yesom who was raised by an almanah when his father passed suddenly when my husband was 7 years old. I wish that an organization like this existed when he was growing up. It would have helped so, so much.
Tizku lmitzvos.
Dear AHH
I wasn’t sure how and when to bring up the application (phase 1) with my niece, following the tragic petirah of her husband. As you can imagine she’s going through a very difficult time right now. She called me all excited today because she received a AHH check that you sent to her for Pesach. It was the perfect opening for me to explain who AHH is and what your organization does for people who are unfortunately in the same position as herself. I sent her the application and she told me she would work on filling it out.
I just wanted to thank AHH for your kindness and sensitivity. Hashem should bentch you and your entire mishpacha with gezunt, parnassah, nachas and only good things. May we only know of simchos.
All the best and a Chag Kosher V’sameach.
__________ __________ (Uncle of __________ __________)
Dear AHH:
Thank you SO much for the check!!! You have no idea how much it helps!! Tizkeh L’Mitzvos!! Chag Kasher V’Sameach!!
Dear Yad Avigdor,
No amount of words can express my gratitude towards your kindness this Erev Yom Tov. I was truly blown away by your generosity. It has tremendously helped with Yom Tov preparation.
Thank you to all who were involved in putting this together.
Tizke L’mitzvos