To the incredible volunteers of Avigdor’s Helping Hand,

Not long ago I received a check in the mail. This was no ordinary check… Yes, it provided me with tremendous financial assistance that I very much needed; however, this check gave me so much more than that. That tiny piece of paper brought a sense of relief and lifted a huge burden off my shoulders. There are no words to express how much hakaras hatov I have for every single person that has helped me through their dedicated efforts on behalf of AHH. Making a Jewish wedding is no small feat. Baruch Hashem I come from a very loving family. I have three younger siblings and up until about five years ago, two very loving parents. In July of 2008 my mother returned to her Creator at a very young age after a four year battle with cancer. Needless to say, that left my family emotionally, physically, and financially empty. My father does everything he can to provide for myself and my siblings. Unfortunately, wedding expenses are just out of his capabilities. A little over a year ago my sister, BH, got engaged. My father really had nothing to give and so I took it upon myself to find the much needed finances. I wanted to make sure my sister didn’t have to stress as a kallah and that my father would not have to face embarrassment at not being able to provide financially. B’H for your incredible organization a huge load was taken off and I was able to hand my father a sizable amount of money to be able to help out with the wedding. I knew at that point that iyH when my time came that there would be financial help out there for me. B’H this past March I became engaged to an incredible guy. My chosson’s family is amazing and he explained to them my family’s financial situation. Although they themselves are not wealthy in any way they took upon the financial burden themselves and told me not to worry about anything. As amazing as this was it left me with a guilty feeling. It wasn’t fair to leave the entire burden on them. When I received the call that AHH would be providing me with $5,000 I can’t tell you the relief and happiness that flooded me. I was able to pay my in laws back, even just a fraction, for the tons of money they have been spending on this wedding. The way AHH has dealt with me has been in such a pleasant and kavodik manner that I never once felt embarrassed or ashamed for having to ask for financial help. To my knowledge AHH is the ONLY organization out there that helps provide actual financial assistance in making the wedding itself. I cannot tell you how much you all have helped my family alone. I can only imagine how many other Chossons and Kallahs out there don’t feel alone and abandoned because of all the effort every single one of you puts in to this organization.

Thank you a million times over for everything that you have done for me and my family.

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Dear Reb Eli and the entire Yad Avigdor family,

It is so hard to even begin to put into words how in awe I am of all that you do.

We moved to Florida about 17 years ago. Fifteen years ago, we moved onto a block that had several Jewish Families. We became close with one of the families after they unfortunately lost their father. The mother was left alone to raise 4 boys on her own; the oldest being 14 and the youngest 8. Since that time, we have tried very hard to ensure that this family never ate alone on Shabbos or Yom Tov. We became very close Shabbos friends, because, as I am sure that you know, everyone is so busy during the week. The boys’ mother, however, always came to us with decisions about where to send the boys to high school and Yeshiva and to help procure the necessary funds to make sure they received an education that everyone deserved.

Over the years, we became more than just Shabbos friends, we became more like family. My house was her house. When her boys grew up, and the last one was out of the house at Yeshiva in Israel at the age of 18, I tried very hard to make sure that my friend always had food and company during the week and of course, she joined us every shabbos for all three meals. Please don’t misunderstand me. I didn’t do any great acts. My friend was always there for me, helping me with my carpools and shabbatonim that my husband and I hosted as teachers. At this point, I felt like Naomi was more like my sister and her boys were treated like our own children.

Then last Purim, the unthinkable happened. Naomi wasn’t feeling well and we took her to the emergency room. Doctors ran so many tests and the extent of her medical problems were so great that they didn’t know where to start treatment. I called the boys home. At this point, one was married and living in CA, two were in New York, and her youngest had just returned from Israel for the Pesach Ben Hazmanim. We all took turns sleeping in the hospital, speaking to the doctors and deciding on a plan of action. We walked to the hospital every Shabbos and Tehillim was recited by the entire community. Unfortunately, Naomi’s condition worsened, and Motzei Shavuos, Naomi passed away.

How heart wrenching was this situation. 4 boys without any parents! The second son was engaged to be married. His father had passed away 3 months before his Bar-Mitzvah, and now his mother passed away 3 months before his wedding. Several members of the community got together to plan a course of action: we had to plan a wedding and provide for the 2 younger brothers as well.

It was at this point, that we were referred to your organization. And not just by one person. Many people called me up and said they heard about this amazing organization in New York, called Avigdor’s Helping Hand. We came to you through many channels, and it was then that I was so awestruck by the enormity of your kindness and the scope of the people that you reach.

I thought I was doing so much. I was only helping one family. Here are all of you, helping hundreds of people that you don’t even know. You are such an inspiration.

We filled out the necessary paperwork: You sent the much needed funds to help with the household expenses and the wedding. The wedding was magnificent, yet so bittersweet. There was not a dry eye in the house. The boys were able to get themselves back on track. The two younger boys are now learning in New York and New Jersey. The 2nd son is now married for 6 months and living in Florida for the time being.

Right after the wedding, another tragedy struck a local family. Once again, Yad Avigdor stepped in to help a mother with 8 children and one on the way, as her husband passed away at such a young age, unexpectedly.

What amazes me the most is how each member of this organization keeps their goal in mind. You took your pain and channeled it for the good. In doing so, you are constantly bringing honor and Zchusim to Avigdor. You see, I lost a brother several years ago to a car accident. I was devastated, and needless to say, my parents were never the same. It took us a long time to “recover”, although, one can never fully recover from the loss of a loved one. The fact that you all came together to create this organization is forever permeating this world with kindness.

I give you a brachah that Hashem should continue to give you the strength to continue to infuse hope and support to those less fortunate, and He should repay you many times over for all that you do for Klal Yisroel.