I received the check.
שהקב”ה ימלא כל משאלות ליבכם לטובה, ובזכות החסד שלכם הקב”ה ינהג עם כל עם ישראל במידת החסד והרחמים.
תודה רבה,
Dear Avigdor’s Helping Hands,
With much appreciation to this very needed and amazing organization & to all that stand behind it; I’d like to take the time to thank you so much for helping me in this very difficult time. Thank you for helping me pull through daily life and thanks for helping with the wedding expenses. Also, thanks for your continued support.
May the רבונו של עולם bestow many brachos on all of you, as only He can. Wishing you all health and much hatzlacha in all that you do!With heartfelt thanks,
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