L’Kovod Anshei Chesed of Avigdor’s Helping Hand
As we stand hours away from Yom Kippur Yom Hadin (at least in Melbourne Australia). I stand humbled being in the presence of such giants such as yourselves.
We have never met and perhaps will never meet. Our common bond however is stronger than humanely imaginable. That is because we are all ‘bonim l’Mokom” – der Aibishter’s kinder. This truth was so clearly demonstrated when I reached out to your org. Not just in the monetary help that you extended, rather in the manner that you did so. I felt I was asking mishpocho (indeed I was) for help. It was as if i was doing you a favour to allow you to help.
‘Mi koamch yisroel..”
If I may be brazen enough I beg the Ribono Shel Olom ‘besserer kinder iz nisht do’. The people of Avigdor’s Helping Hand epitomize everything that is beautiful and sacred about klal Yisroel. May Hashem bestow ‘shefa brocho’ on them their mishpocho and klal yisroel.
With a broken heart I turned to you in a time that should have been filled only with simcha. You helped mend that heart somewhat. For that I and my mishpocho and I am sure my Rebbetzin ______ a’H will be forever indebted to you
birchas kol tuv selah
Rabbi ______ ________
p.s. the chasunah was amazing it was very lebedik and ‘varem’