Letters of Appreciation – Shevat 5785
Letters of Appreciation – Tishrei 5785
Gmar Chasima Tova! hello. I'm not sure what to do. I opened my mail after Shabbos and found a check, a very generous one!, from AHH. Is this for real? What kindness! I still have not deposited the check - waiting until I am sure it is for me. I really just called you...
Letters of Appreciation – Elul 5784
Dear AHH, Thank you so much for the money I received for Rosh Hashanah. It means so much to me that my son and I are constantly on your mind! Ty so much for your tireless efforts to raise money for all those in need. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you...
Letters of Appreciation – Menachem Av 5784
Dear R' Eli, R' Shmuel, and the Board of Directors of AHH, I do not have adequate words to thank you for the time, consideration, and financial aid you provided me during this joyous yet challenging time before my son's wedding. I was treated with...
Letters of Appreciation – Sivan 5784
I would like to express my deepest appreciation for the time and generosity of Avigdor’s Helping Hand. The patience and thoughtful attention given by the volunteers helped to calm me during this stressful but beautiful time. May all your volunteers...
Letters of Appreciation – Iyar 5784
Last year I contacted you in regards to _______ __________, a yesomah, who was getting married & needed financial help for her wedding expenses. Boruch Hashem, she is married, and had a healthy baby girl 2 weeks before Pesach! Ma Rabu Ma’asecha...
Letters of Appreciation – Nissan 5784
Dear Mr. Glaser, Upon opening the mailbox, I was deeply touched by AHH thoughtfulness and boundless kindness. I am filled with profound gratitude, expressing my Hakaras Hatov for AHH sincere consideration of our family's struggles. AHH compassion...
Letters of Appreciation – Adar II 5784
I would like to give a special thank you to all those involved in the incredible organization! As you can imagine, my husband and I are completely overwhelmed. Although there is a rayze.it campaign, the funds are being managed and we do not yet...
Letters of Appreciation – Adar I 5784
To the Avigdor family of volunteers, On behalf of my 2 daughters, __________ and __________, and my mother in-law __________ __________, (who is turning 88 and is a widow with dementia). I would like to express our Hakaras HaTov to the “Avigdor...
Letters of Appreciation – Shevat 5784
Dear AHH Committee, I trust this message finds you all in good health. I hope this letter conveys the immense gratitude and appreciation I feel for your generous donation to my son’s wedding. Thank you for your selfless contribution of time, energy...
Letters of Appreciation – Teves 5784
Sholom Uvrocha Dear Volunteers of AHH Tizkeh L'mitzvos on the major assistance that you were zocheh to give to our __________. The chasuna was last week-my husband flew in to the states, and said it was a true simcha. May הקב"ה pay you back with...
Letters of Appreciation – Kislev 5784
Dear Avigdors Helping Hand - Please pass on this message to all those who are part of this Chessed organization . Thank you so much for sending such a generous check so promptly. Be”h with Hashem’s help everything will fall into place very soon and...
Letters of Appreciation – Tishrei 5784
AHH - You are Tzaddikim! Lkavod The AHH Team I can’t even begin to thank you and tell you how much this money means to me. My darling ________ can now get a new suit lkavod YT, that he so wanted. You should be gbentched with every bracha, a year...
Letters of Appreciation – Elul 5783
Dear Mr. Glaser, Thank you for the phase 3 check. My heartfelt thanks to you and team. I'm just so grateful for wonderful organizations like you. Before this tragedy, I was always on the giving end and quite frankly not used to being on the...
Letters of Appreciation – Av 5783
Dear Avigdors Helping Hand, The folks at AHH are all prepared for the Yom Hadin, they don't wait for Chodesh Ellul to ramp up their mitzva arsenal, they have the Brains to do this all year long, so when Ellul comes around they have the melitza...
Letters of Appreciation – Tammuz 5783
To Avigdors helping hand, There’s a reason why your title does justice. You are exactly what it means to be a helping hand. There are so many other organizations out there that make you beg or make you feel less than what you are because of the...
Letters of Appreciation – Sivan 5783
Dear Avigdor, (Helping Hands), I’m not sure how I can write a letter that can show my hakares hatov to the extent that is needed. There are so many joys and bracha in making a wedding! I am so thankful for the special kallah , the family , the...
Letters of Appreciation – Iyar 5783
Dear Avigdor's Helping Hand, Words cannot express my and my wife's gratitude for the Avigdors teams' kindness to my wife's daughter (and my new stepdaughter), __________ __________. That __________'s father, __________ __________ OBM, was taken...
Letters of Appreciation – Nissan 5783
Dear all the members of Avigdors Helping Hand Thank you - it’s absolutely tremendous the chesed you do. I didn’t say on the phone, but my husband is a yesom who was raised by an almanah when his father passed suddenly when my husband was 7 years...
Letters of Appreciation – Adar 5783
Dear Avigdor's Helping Hand, I want to use this opportunity to let you realize how much I cherished all you provided for my family throughout this tragic event. We were left in a condition of despair and financial woes when my spouse __________...
Letters of Appreciation – Shevat 5783
Eli, I received the check in the mail today, hp i was with my chosson when I checked the mail and right before I opened it we were talking about how we are going to afford rent and the wedding and then came home to a check. Hashem is amazing and he...
Letters of Appreciation – Teves 5783
To AHH Family , I would like to take this opportunity to thank you. Your organization has a big Zehut! Our situation was a difficult one. It didn’t fit quite in the boxes of what we needed to apply. That didn’t stop your wonderful volunteers. They...
Letters of Appreciation – Kislev 5783
Dear Eli & The AHH Committee I praise you, with the words of King David, from PSALM 30: "You turned my mourning into dancing." Avigdor's Helping Hand; and Hatzolah Air; partnered, to bring ongoing joy to all the members of the ___________ and...
Letters of Appreciation – Cheshvan 5783
בעזר השית א יישר כח פאר אייך און פאר אלע מסייעים לדבר מצוה הקבה ישלם לכם כל מילי דמיטב -- Dear ________ עמו״ש Hope all is well. I’m sharing with you now the information to please share it with the Avigdor Helping Hand organization. And if you would...