Letters of Appreciation – Tishrei 5783
Dear Avigdors Helping Hand You guys sent a check for my father. First off, thank you! It is very helpful—may this beautiful mitzvah serve as a zchus for you and your entire AHH family for a gmar tov! _________________ Dear Avigdors Helping Hand:...
Letters of Appreciation – Elul 5782
We want to personally thank you for the help you provided to the Kalla ________ _____________ for the wedding expenses. It is greatly appreciated. Hashem should continue to bless you and all those a part of your organization with much health until...
AHH 17th Annual Event
Letters of Appreciation – Menachem Av 5782
Hi I have received b”h the check with the stage 3 application yesterday . I could I have not have Hakarat Atov You do true hesed !! In the book of בספר תהילים כתוב ה׳ שמר את -גרים—יתום ואלמנה יעודד ודרך רשעים יעות ~~~~~~~~~~~~ בספר ירמיה כתוב עזבה...
Letters of Appreciation – Tamuz 5782
Dear Reb Eli, We recently lost my father suddenly and unexpectedly. Also named Eli, and he just turned 59! We reached out to AHH and got a check for phase 1 which is tremendous help to my mother and young sister still at home. AHH was immediate to...
Letters of Appreciation – Sivan 5782
To the volunteers at AHH, I want to thank you so much for the generous funds you gave me towards my wedding. It is very much needed and will ensure I have everything I need as I prepare for my wedding and married life. In the merit of your generous...
Shavuos Bake Sale
Letters of Appreciation – Iyar 5782
Dear Avigdors Helping Hand On behalf of myself I personally wanted to say thank you. You have made this experience of having to ask for tzedak an easy one. you were very kind and always thanking me for being able to help. You were the first...
Letters of Appreciation – Nisan 5782
Dear Avigdor's Helping Hands, I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for your time. I know most of you, if not all of you, have active lives outside of this organization. I imagine a lot of you have jobs, families, bills,...
Letters of Appreciation – Adar II 5782
Hey, As a recipient of the chesed your great organization AHH does, I want to say thank you. These funds are so helpful for me I can’t even describe it. I am a ger and don’t have much, so it was a Bracha to find your organization. Bezh y’all...
Letters of Appreciation – Adar I 5782
Dear Avigdor’s helping hand, Firstly, My family and I would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You have helped us breathe in a time of sorrow. The death of __________, my husband, came suddenly and couldn’t be foreseen this soon. As a...
Letters of Appreciation – Shevat 5782
BH this past month I was zoche to marry off a daughter . This tremendous Bracha carries huge financial responsibilities with it . Many parents find this to be a challenge . Being in the situation I am in … navigating without my husbands physical...
Letters of Appreciation – Teves 5782
Dear members of Avigdors Helping Hands I would like to share a story with you that happened to me in March 2020. We were hit with Corona and I was very sick in bed. I knew that everyday we lost dear members of my community that I knew and loved...
Letters of Appreciation – Kislev 5782
Dear Avigdor Helping Hand: Thank you and thank you! Your organization and all of you have the zechut to help marry my youngest of 8 of my children...BH May Hashem bless you and your families with all good things. Tizku lmitzvot __________________...
Letters of Appreciation – Tishrei 5782
Hi my name is _________________.Just for you to know who I am. You never met, but the AHH organization are all Tzadikim . I'm blown away by you that you took a hard thing in your life losing a child lo aleinu, and you decided to do something soo...
Letters of Appreciation – Menachem Av 5781
Letters of Appreciation – Tammuz 5781
Thanks for helping in an unbelievably quick and helpful manner.This tremendous chesed has worked on keeping my mothers dignity intact. A TRUE CHESED! THANKS! May the Zechus of this mitzva bring the Geula and we should share many simchas in full...
Letters of Appreciation – Sivan 5781
Subject: THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Dearest Avigdor's Helping Hand, B'H May 13,2021 With pure Kindness and Goodness,The Ribbono Shel Olam has Bentch My family with a beautiful Simcha....... My yummy 22 year old son, K"H, found his bashert and became a chosson....
Shavuos 5781 Bake Sale
Letters of Appreciation – Iyar 5781
Letters of Appreciation – Nisan 5781
I wasn't sure who to send The thank you to. Once again Avigdor's helping hand has given us a generous gift this time to help us for Pesach. Your gift was timely and meaningful as the first yahrtzeit for my husband was this past Shabbos. I wish...
Letters of Appreciation – Adar 5781
Dear honorable donors of Avigors Helping Hand There's so much schar & pros, Hashem promised to those, Who reach out to Yesomim woes. Ashraichu, you were the one Hashem chose, To be the recipient of all brochos that surely overflows. ___________...
Letters of Appreciation – Shevat 5781
Dear Avigdors Helping Hand My deepest appreciation for your board and your organizations, chesed. Your process was sensitive and bekavodik. May HKBH grant zchus and Hatzlacha for all your good work and may the needs become obsolete! Gutten shabbis...