Letters of Appreciation – Teves 5781
I just wanted to let you know that she got the check from your organization. I wanted to thank AHH,and and all the people that make this organization happen and be able to help those in need. Hashem should bentch you with health, wealth, happiness...
Letters of Appreciation – Kislev 5781
To the most remarkable and esteemed committee of AHH: Although I am not a writer by any means, after experiencing first-hand the extraordinary kindness of the AHH committee I felt compelled to try to convey some of my admiration and appreciation....
Letters of Appreciation – Cheshvan 5781
To All the Chosheva Volunteers of Avigdor's Helping Hand, I would like to take a moment to commend ALL OF YOU CHOSHEVA VOLUNTEERS OF AVIGDOR'S HELPING HAND for taking your precious time in raising funds for this most Important Tzedaka Organization, for taking your...
Letters of Appreciation – Tishrei 5781
Dear AHH, I'd like to take this opportunity once again to thank you and your amazing organization for your outpouring of support and generosity you have provided me with at this difficult time. It has given me an enormous sense of comfort and...
Letters of Appreciation – Elul 5780
Last night I walked Dina* down the aisle towards her new beginning If only it could have been her mother...but sadly she is emotionally unwell, If only it could have been her father A"H; but he nebach passed away when Dina was merely 6 years old....
Letters of Appreciation – Menachem Av 5780
August 23,2020 B’H Dear Avigdor’s Helping Hand, It has been 6 years since my husband’s Petira and before I even start, I must apologize for not have sent you the Hakoros Hatov letter that you so surely deserved…….For some reason, I never got to...
Letters of Appreciation – Tamuz 5780
יום ראשון כ"ז תמוז תש"פ מכתב תודה ל "יד אביגדור" ב"ה שזכיתי להיות אמא לשלושה ילדים, אך העבודה היא רבה, ועליי מוטלת האחריות לדאוג לילדים לאוכל ולבגדים, לדאוג לחינוכם, שיהיו נקיים ומסודרים ובעיקר שמחים. כי אין להם אבא והם לא...
Letters of Appreciation – Sivan 5780
Shalom, I received the check. שהקב"ה ימלא כל משאלות ליבכם לטובה, ובזכות החסד שלכם הקב"ה ינהג עם כל עם ישראל במידת החסד והרחמים. תודה רבה, ________________ Dear Avigdor's Helping Hands, With much appreciation to this very needed and amazing...
Letters of Appreciation – Iyar 5780
Dear AHH Committee Thank you so much for all the chesed you do for the Jewish community and all in need. I am so very thankful that there are people and organizations such as yourself that bring some relief and comfort to those who are in financial distress and...
Letters of Appreciation – Nisan 5780
Dear Avigdors Helping Hand I want to thank you in name of my sister for the Pesach support, it means a lot. You should see only Nachas and Gezunt from your family. א כשר׳ן פרייליכן און ״געזונטע״ פסח! Dear Avigdors Helping Hand I hope this email...
Letters of Appreciation – Adar 5780
Dear AHH, Thank you so much for the $________ grant we received from your organization towards my sisters wedding (________ ________). This substantial amount of funds is extremely helpful and relieves tremendous stress, pressure and and anxiety...
Letters of Appreciation – Shvat 5780
Gm it’s __________ __________. On behalf of myself and others in Staten Island I want to express our thanks to AHH for being so generous and understanding the situation. Your generous and over the top help is appreciated. Hashem should give u the...
Letters of Appreciation – Teves 5780
Excellent, thank you very much R. Baruch and the AHH crew.You are a good chevrah over there b”H. I give you my Brachos bez”H that you all should the koach and Moach to continue with this great endeavor. I know that money doesn’t grow on a tree (one...
Letters of Appreciation – Kislev 5780
Hi, it’s __________ __________. I just wanted to thank AHH for your assistance with the upcoming __________ wedding. We put together some $ to help with the ufruf/sheva brachos and whatever extra $ will be used towards the wedding. AHH truly helped...
Letters of Appreciation – Cheshvan 5780
Good morning. How do i begin to thank all of the caring staff at AHH for their generosity. I hadn't heard from AHH for a while, so I figured I would not be receiving any more funds. No complaints! AHH has been so good to me! Then the mail came on Friday, with an...
YCQ-Avigdor’s Helping Hand 5K in Memory of Michael Simanowitz
Letters of Appreciation – Tishrei 5780
Dear Chesky, and AHH Family As we head into Rosh Hashana tonight, I am again overwhelmed by your tremendous kindness and giving! And, I am so thankful to Hashem for bringing me the miracle to marry off a daughter, together with the miracle that is...
Letters of Appreciation – Elul 5779
Good morning. I just received the 2nd check from AHH. Amazing! Thank you so much. It sure will come in handy with Yom Tov coming... Please relay to the committee my heartfelt thanks. MI K'AMCHA YISROEL. Best wishes to all for a K'Siva V'Chasima...
14th Annual Labor Day Weekend Event
Letters of Appreciation – Menachem Av 5779
To Shlomy and all the volunteers of Avigdor’s helping hand, Dear all, there are no words to describe the Menuchas Ha Nefesh you gave me and ____________ ____________ when we first found out we can be possible candidates for your amazing Tzidaka...
Letters of Appreciation – Tamuz 5779
Dear AHH How are you and Gut Voch! I wanted to thank you and your team again ,for assisting us with our last son’s wedding. We are beyond grateful!! When I get back on my feet again, I would line to provide a donation as well as share with others...
Letters of Appreciation – Sivan 5779
Letters of Appreciation – Iyar 5779
Thank you so much for your incredible help with 2 of my students over the past year! You turned things around for them 360°! With Much Respect and appreciation for the incredible work the AHH team is doing! __________________