Letters of Appreciation – Nisan 5779
Dear AHH I would like to to share our tremendous gratitude for what you and your organization have done for us. The leaps and bounds you have provided to make our Simcha precious mean a lot to me as well as my family!! As you may know, my husband...
Letters of Appreciation – Adar II 5779
To the wonderful volunteers Hakidoishim of Avigdor's Helping Hand, I'm beyond touched and honored to have had the Zechus to be assisted by such a special group of people. The amount of Menuchas Hanefesh that your assistance provided me was...
Letters of Appreciation – Adar I 5779
Thank You! Thank you ever so much! The gift you sent is such a tremendous help and it came at a just perfect time helping me to take care of numerous important items for our upcoming chasunah, that of my son _________ שיחי׳. It came in the form of...
Letters of Appreciation – Shevat 5779
I’m just coming home from the __________ chasuna. It was so beautiful & moving. Thank you for all your help. Tizku lemitzvos, __________ __________ Bh: I received the check and it came at good time in the processing of my chasona responsiblities....
Letters of Appreciation – Teves 5779
Dear Avigdors HH, Words are not enough to express my gratitude for the generosity and kindness of AHH in helping me have the ability to make a beautiful wedding for my daughter, _________. We know that your organization is the way Hashem shows his love and guidance...
Letters of Appreciation – Kislev 5779
Hi , I just wanted so much to thank you for all your help for the wedding of my dear daughter!! It meant so much to me and I really appreciate it ! Since my husband a”h passed I see hashems hand in everything I do ... with Hashems help one day I...
Letters of Appreciation – Cheshvan 5779
Letters of Appreciation – Tishrei 5779
Dear Mr Glaser, Ah gut yohr & g'mar chasima tova to you & everyone at Avigdor's Helping Hands. With our Chasuna & sheva brachos over, & now past Rosh Hshana I'm reflecting over & over again on all the wonderful events....All the tefillos we davened...
Letters of Appreciation – Elul 5778
13th Annual Labor Day Weekend Event
Letters of Appreciation – Menachem Av 5778
Dear Rabbi Glaser It is now three weeks after the wedding of our daughter, ________. ________ was a toddler when her mother passed away close to twenty years ago. My husband, ________’s father, found himself helpless and lost with 6 children under...
Letters of Appreciation – Tammuz 5778
Dear Ahh Family, From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you for your tremendous help with my daughters chassana. With the _________ you sent us, I was able to pay for her wedding dress, shabbos lichter, cuff links, sheva bracha dresses and prepare one of my own...
Letters of Appreciation – Sivan 5778
Pre-Shavous 5778 Bake Sale
QUEENS: FIVE TOWNS: May 16, 2018 7:00-10:00 PM May 16, 2018 9:30 AM -5:30 PM 138-14 78 Drive Kew Gardens Hills, NY 572 Kensington Place Cedarhurst, NY 11516
Letters of Appreciation – Iyar 5778
Dear Avigdors Helping Hand It was very painful for me personally, when my good friend passed away. I, of course, can’t imagine what it was like for her immediate family, specifically her only daughter. The orhan’s upcoming wedding,...
Letters of Appreciation – Nisan 5778
We all really appreciate what you have done, and your part in ensuring that the ______________ would be recipients of Avigdor's Helping Hand. It helps so much in this highly emotional (and expensive) time in their lives. May the AHH team have...
Letters of Appreciation – Adar 5778
I'd like to take this opportunity to show my appreciation for everyone who was involved in helping us. I know it's a lot of work involved and not easy trying to find sponsors. May Hashem bless you all for your time and effort and give you what your...
Letters of Appreciation – Shevat 5778
To all the volunteers at Avigdor's Helping Hand: Boruch Hashem the wedding came to be. Chasdei Hashem the Sheva brachos are behind us and the young couple have to move and find work. It was such a relief to be helped by your amazing organization!...
Letters of Appreciation – Teves 5778
Dearest Reb Ezie and all of the AHH volunteers. We are home from our son's chasuna and what a chasuna it was! It was so beautiful and meaningful for all of us. Many tears and so much happiness! Truly a night to remember! Our Rebbe spoke divrei...
Letters of Appreciation – Cheshvan 5778
Letters of Appreciation – Elul 5777
Dear R' Eli, As I'm on the plane, heading to my step-daughter __________'s chasuna, I'm reflecting back a few months ago to my son __________'s June 20th wedding. B"H he married a wonderful girl from Monsey. We were all very excited when he got engaged, but I felt the...
12th Annual Labor Day Event
Letters of Appreciation – Av 5777
Dear Eli, I hope all is well. Please allow me the opportunity to thank you and Avigdors Helping Hand on behalf of my cousin ________________. As you know ________________ is our cousin who arrived alone in the United States from Poland just a few...
Letters of Appreciation – Tamuz 5777
Dear AHH Wonderful Family!!! Brochos and Greetings!!! Thank you cannot begin to describe my very deep gratitude to you all!! B"H with your fantastic help my daughter's wedding was beautiful and joyful!!! Your great help gave me the peace of mind...