Letters of Appreciation – Sivan 5777
Thank you are two very small words for the huge help you are providing. Hashem should bench you with all things good now and always. ______ __________
AHH Pre-Shavuos Bake Sale – 2 Locations
Letters of Appreciation – Iyar 5777
Letters of Appreciation – Nisan 5777
Dear Shmuel and the entire group of tzadikim, On behalf of the chosson and kallah, I would like to extend my sincerest most thanks. What you all did for this couple is such a great mitzvah and zchus. Mamish the ultimate mitzvah of hachnosas kallah...
Letters of Appreciation – Adar 5777
To the unbelievable organisation Yad Avigdor/Avigdors Helping Hand! Unfortunately, I lost my father 7 years ago due to a sudden cardiac arrest. Ever since his passing our family has been in a very difficult financial state. Bh, my younger brother got engaged to a...
Letters of Appreciation – Shvat 5777
Letters of Appreciation – Kislev 5777
To Whom it may Concern at Avigdors Helping Hand. Yesterday I received the check from you, of $5000. I had no idea where I would get the $ to pay for the vendors of the wedding You came straight from my Tefillos from Hashem. You don't know us. You...
Letters of Appreciation – Cheshvan 5777
To the wonderful people of Avigdors Helping Hand; Thank you so much for helping us finance my sister’s wedding. It relieved a major stress that we were feeling. A little background to our situation, as I know it’s not typical for a sibling to be making the wedding....
Letters of Appreciation – Tishrei 5777
Letters of Appreciation – Elul 5776
Eleventh Annual Labor Day BBQ
Letters of Appreciation – Av 5776
To the esteemed directors of Avigdor's Helping Hand The Gemora says that there three Shutfim in a person, If I may say, with AHH there are four Shutfim. With your unbelievable help we married BLI"H 3 beautiful grand children. With every great grand child that is born...
Letters of Appreciation – Tamuz 5776
B"H We would like to thank you again for your chesed. May your organization have many more opportunities to help those in need! MC Mazal tov The wedding was truly Lebedik. The presence of our dear loved ones we felt had added to the amazing feeling we all shared with...
Letters of Appreciation – Sivan 5776
Hi Eli, You were absolutely right – R’ Baruch Amsel is an excellent volunteer and worked this case through for me so nicely. I thank both you & Boruch and all great volunteers of AHH for being such dedicated members and doing such a great job...
Letters of Appreciation – Iyar 5776
Dearest Volunteers, Donors, and everyone in between, BH I am happily married almost seven years now. I have been even luckier to bh have four beautiful children since. With the challenges and hardships of life each in its own time, getting married...
Letters of Appreciation – Nisan 5776
We would like to acknowledge your outstanding organization . The premise on which Avigdors Helping Hand is built perpetuates Avigdors legacy. The way the receivers of your charity are handled is a credit to you and the entire staff. Everything is...
Letters of Appreciation – Adar II 5776
Dear AHH foundation, I can't thank you enough for the help I received from your foundation. As a Yosom I worried about the future and what it would bring. I didn't have too many people to rely on for support. When I heard about your organization,...
Purim Cards
AHH’s Purim Cards are an easy and thoughtful way to wish friends & family a Simchas Purim & support Avigdor’s Helping Hand at the same time!
Letters of Appreciation – Adar I 5776
BS'D Hi, How are you and Avigdor Helping Hand doing? I and my family cannot thank you all enough. Ashreichem in all that you do for the Klal! Where would we and the other families you've helped and continue to help be if not for your generous assistance in preparing...
Letters of Appreciation – Shevat 5776
Dear Avigdor's Helping Hand, I wanted to thank you all for your amazing work and effort you put into helping me provide for my sisters wedding. My sister was always so embarrassed of her situation and always tried to hide it in high school. Being able to buy her a...
Letters of Appreciation – Teves 5776
Letters of Appreciation – Kislev 5776
Hi Eli, I just wanted to take a moment to [thank] Shlomo Werner and all the others from Avigdor’s Helping Hand that were so helpful in obtaining the $7000 in aid for _________ _________ and her family. These funds are being used...
Letters of Appreciation – Cheshvan 5776
Hello Avigdor's Helping Hand team, I really wanted to take a moment to tell all of you how much gratitude I have to all of you!!!!! My husband passed away in the middle of the night I found him next me in the morning, this was such a shock at the age of 49 on his...
Letters of Appreciation – Elul 5775
אמע״כ ידיד השם וידיד בית ישראל עושה ומעשה חסד לאלפים רב צדקות ומוסר נפשו ורוחו לטובת ישראל וממצדיקי הרבים וממזיכי הרבים וכו׳ היקר והנכבד מוה״ר ר׳ אלי׳ שליט״א באתי בזה להודות מעומקא דלבאי שקבלנו ממש עכשיו ממע״כ שליטא. יישר כחכם מרובה ובברכת הצלחה ו_א דשמיא וכתיבה...